June 3, 2016

  • Now You Can Call Me Dr.

    In 2013 I began my Doctor of Ministry degree program with Knox Theological Seminary. For the last year I have been very busy with my dissertation. The reading for it was a real effort. I bought and read everything written by Bishop N.T. Wright that was/is available on LOGOS and Kindle, plus I had a couple of his books in physical copies. The reading was thousands of pages, and I am grateful for the note taking, footnoting, and bibliography helps in LOGOS and in Kindle, that really made a difference in the writing process.

    And now you can call me Dr. Mills; or "Hey, you," which has always worked fine.

    I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my family for putting me into a position where I could do this work.

    To my bride, who never complained about how many books I bought or how much they cost. She also never complained when I announced that it was time for another trip to Ft. Lauderdale for classes. And when graduation came, she insisted, not only that we attend, but that we also purchase the Doctor of Ministry hood and doctorial graduation gown. Again, never complaining about the trouble or the cost, but insisting we make the purchases. I am over-the-moon in love with you.

    To our kids, who are all adults, thank you for your encouragement in the effort. "I know you can do it, Dad."

    To my reviewer and editor, Joy Holmes, this would not have been possible without your help. Thank you.

    If anyone reads this, and if any reader would like a copy of my dissertation, I will gladly provide a copy electronically to you. Just ask and give my your email address to send it to.

    In Christ.


Comments (2)

  • I'm very happy for you, Dr. Brother Rev. Tim!

    And I would be happy to read your dissertation!

  • Dear Dr. Mills,

    Your article on Schreinner's "where shall wisdom be found?" was helpful in realigning my focus on the book of Job. I am currently an MA student with Knox Seminary.

    I would like to take you up on your offer to email a copy of your dissertation. My address is lucasgwako@icloud.com

    Just so you know, I live in Kenya, and one way or the other, God is indeed aligning everything for his glory.

    Thank you.

    In Christ,

    Lucas Omuko.

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